What is Live Edge Furniture – and Why Is It So Popular?

If you’re looking for a truly bespoke piece of furniture, you need to know about live edge design. The unique style has burst onto the scene of interior design with its enormous visual and natural appeal. Think boho bungalow tucked away in the forests – a fiddle leaf brushing your arm as you sit back and survey the scene.
But what is live edge furniture exactly? Live edge is when the natural edge of the tree is both visible and incorporated into the design of the piece. This may be a rough, rounded edge on a coffee table from the girth of the tree, or a chest of draws with an uneven edge or textured surface where the natural edge of the wood or tree lies. Typical features include raw, gnarly knots and stunning blemishes within the wood, adding to its appeal. But don’t stop at a chest of draws. There are endless possibilities when it comes to live edge design. There are creative alternatives to almost all household essentials: live edge bar stools, benchtops, wine racks, and picture frames. You name it.
What is Live Edge Furniture’s Appeal?
Live edge design pulls focus and is full of character. A simple coffee table becomes more than a mere household object. A slab of wood with a natural, live edge uncovers the tree’s history: its growth lines, seasonal patterns, and stress points. The wood tells a story that is often much older than any person alive today. Everything about the tree is celebrated; its knots, twists, and imperfections.
It’s All About The Story
Every piece of furniture has its own story. From the tree, where it grew, who felled it, cut it into slabs, designed it, handcrafted and produced it. Each step is as important as the last. At Jarrimber, anyone can get involved in custom designing furniture pieces that are specially created with your needs and vision in mind. Custom, bespoke pieces of furniture for almost every room in the house can be delivered with a personal touch that makes the story meaningful to you.
Know Your Craftsperson
When it comes to buying timber furniture, local is always best. Striking up a relationship with a craftsperson who is willing to source locally grown, sustainable timber will always pay off. Often designers or small businesses will gravitate toward a particular style and when it comes to purchasing a second or third piece – having some continuity is never a bad thing.
Getting a quote is easy, and don’t hold back on your imagination when discussing your ideas with the experts.
Redecorating Your Home With Live Edge Design
It helps to know your space, how big it is, what’s already there, are you replacing something or adding to your decor? Having understood your space, the colour and texture of the wood should always be at the forefront of your decision making. Is it darker, illustrious jarrah you’re chasing, or a lighter marri furniture that will compliment your home? If it’s a dining table, you may want to consider how the colour and texture of the wood resonates with your chairs for example. Australian live edge design is highly regarded, boasting some of the most exquisite pieces in the world. With many local timber varieties to choose from, finding the right slab to get started is easy. Check out our full range of handcrafted, one off live edge furniture pieces.
What is Live Edge Furniture’s Statement?
Live edge design is sure to impress. Even a modest bedside table with a raw edge will catch the eye. It fundamentally changes the way you interact in the space you call home. With natural, irregular shapes, live edge pieces instantly makes a room more dynamic. It creates opportunities a straight edge simply cannot achieve, and with a custom design, there is even more scope for creativity. Carefully selected timber furniture speaks for itself when admired by guests. A live edge dining table is more than a conversation starter, it can become one of the defining features of a house.
What is Live Edge Furniture’s Main Design Feature?
The main design feature of any live edge furniture piece is it’s rough, contoured edge. Every piece of timber is different, and so is the room it inhabits. With so many different factors at play, from texture to cut and varnish, harmonising your interior design is something that can take anywhere from a few days to a month or two.
What About Customising Live Edge Designs?
Traditional homewares stores will always supply a good range of products, but taking some elements of design into your own hands and personalising its shape, colour and size can work wonders no matter the square meterage. Compared with mass-produced items that line the shelves of department stores, customising furniture with a specific room or space in mind will bring out the very best. Good designers will always match the wood’s colour, texture, and overall shape with its destination in mind.
Play The Long Game
Handcrafted timber furniture will always stand the test of time. From design to delivery and daily use, wood as a material has proven its resistance to seasonal changes and general wear and tear. It’s highly versatile and easily cared for. Any expert will be able to give you an idea of which products to use and when. Wood’s practicality also makes it a timeless design choice. Exposed, natural timber ignites a rustic elegance. It conjures a sense of traditionalism, yet remains on the cutting edge of leading furniture design.
Live edge is not always the cheapest option upfront, however, handcrafted timber pieces are far more durable in the long run. Enormous attention to detail is a major factor influencing the product’s longevity. Regular dialogue with your craftsperson also ensures there’s nothing you’re unsure about. When you have helped design a piece yourself, you may also be more inclined to keep it, even if you are relocating. It’s more than just a piece of furniture, it’s got your mark on it.
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